USA - Day 10

Washington D.C.

Woke up in Maine at 3am this morning. UGH. It was about a 2 hour drive to the airport, followed by a short wait, a 1.5 hour flight to La Guardia, New York followed by a connecting flight to Dulles, Virginia... It then took us another hour to drive to our hotel in downtown Washington arriving shortly before mid day. First think I notice about D.C. is oh BOY is it HOT!! Outside its about 80 degrees fahrenheit and HUMID!!! God we have never been so thankful to have air conditioning..Everywhere!! A second thing Ive noticed is that half the city seems to be under construction but never-mind about that just now. 

After a quick freshen up we got the subway to whats called The Mall. The Mall is the central boulevard in downtown D.C. It is also a National park and is the home of several famous memorials and museums between the Lincoln Memorial at one end and The Capitol at the other. The several Smithsonian museums and galleries can also be found on the Mall (and we will be visiting dome of them tomorrow. 

Love this photo! this is the ceiling of the subway station! 

Bearing with the sweltering heat was what stuck us all as we made our way around the north side of the mall, past the WW2 memorial towards the Lincoln memorial. We also passed the reflection pond and the Korean war statues which i found were particularly effective pieces of art sending chills down my spine. Heading towards The National Museum of American History we also passed The Washington Momumnet and three Martin Luther King Memorial. After a quick snack we spent about three to four hours exploring the American History museum. I think we could all agree that it was pretty ace and there was something interesting for us all. My favourite bit of it all was a show about 15 mins long about the civil rights movement specifically re cresting the Student sit-in at the Woolworth's diner     In Greensboro. The girl leading the show was dressed in costume and sang some really moving songs that just sent chills down my back and almost  brought me to tears. there was also a fantastic, extensive   exhibit on the american war involvements over the past 200 years. 
The White House.

Lincoln memorial from the reflection pond

Mr Lincoln himself (still getting fixed after being spray painted by a strange it)

We all called it a night pretty early after getting up at 3am Hence why I'm writing this tonight. 

This is the Korean War memorial

martin luther kind memorial! being fixed after the earthquake.

Goodnight for now and tanks for reading
Fiona xx


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