Wairiri Buffalo farm - days 4 & 5
Sunday 15th Oct

Today was a nice quiet day, I did my morning feeding of all the animals then after that gave a rough hose down and scrape of the dairy Shed.
With Christo home for the first morning his week and the girls still of skiing he and I made scrambled eggs and baked beans for breakfast! Yummy!!!
Then...dun dun duuuuuhhh... I decided to work out! Woo one hour of a mix of yoga and HIIT exercises! Haha I’m a bit paranoid that all the amazing delicious food that I’m eating over here will mean that I won’t fit into my bridesmaids dress for Nikki’s Wedding (which was bought last week!!! Eeeeep!) anyway I’m going to join Frannys yoga class tomorrow night and start running again so I should be grand...right 😂👌🏻
Lucy and Chloe were going to get back from skiing around 4pm but as we were having dinner guests over tonight I started preparing the leg of lamb and stuck it in the over to start cooking, I also started prepping the roast potatoes, beetroot and carrots! And yes after me just saying I need to lose weight, I am VERY much looking forward to dinner!!!
Lucy and Chloe got back just after 4 and we finished dinner prep together, another two wwoofers that Christo met at the market came to see the cheese making process, and also stayed for dinner, and a friend Lucy made on her Ski instructor course, Manu, was also invited. The chat between and American/Italian couple, a German lad, and myself, along with the host family, made for a very enjoyable evening indeed.
Lucy made buffalo ice cream and mascarpone after dinner! Looking forward to trying this!!
The wind had really picked up by time she was finished and we all decided to hit the hay. And oh BOY was it loud up in my wee room! Really windy! Took me a while to get to sleep, if it was a storm like this at home I wouldn’t think anything of it!
Monday 16th Oct
Animal feeding, a quick tidy up in the stable back to water blasting, and now I’m almost finished!! Yippeee!
In the afternoon I got to help make mozzarella! Or more accurately o got to shape and seal the mozzarella hsha it had been in the process of being made from this morning. Lucy and her friend/helper Nicki had done most of the work and were now stretching, ripening and shaping it (I think). I don’t have any photos of this yet as health and safety is very strict in the cheese room, but I’ll hopefully get some next week though!
I helped making cheese until it was almost six o’clock and then I zoomed off to meet Franny at Yoga. I’m so glad I went! Not only was it a lovely relaxing session of Hatha yoga, but it was SUPER seeing Franny again! I went back to her house after class and we had a cup of tea and some whitebait pattys for dinner! After a good ol chinwag I headed back to the farm (with plenty supplies hahaha)
Will you have a couple of wee buffalos posted back to Galson for your return?!
ReplyDeletehahaha im seriously considering it!! :D