Springfield - Day 1
It was still absolutely pouring rain when we all got up today, and with how saturated the ground was I'd say that it hadn't stopped raining all night!! Anyway Graeme had a rainy day activity for me to try out, Gold Panning!! And it was so much fun, believe it or not, both realaxing and exciting, sifting through a bucket full of dirt looking for tiny specs of gold and getting really excited when you found one!! I think this could be a new hobby of mine given the time! :D

(Ps this wee amount of gold is what Graeme had collected in TOTAL, not just what we found today!!! I wish though!!)

(Ps this wee amount of gold is what Graeme had collected in TOTAL, not just what we found today!!! I wish though!!)
In the afternoon I took Barry the Box (Named this by Frances for anyone wondering!) which will be my car for th next few months, for a spin into Darfield and back. It's an old car, and it's not got much power, but it's great to have the freedom of wheels again!
While driving into town in the rain I took a notion for making something sweet to have after dinner tonight. I had noticed that a few of the pears had gone a bit past it so I bought a few extra ingredients and made a pear and ginger cake. I also made dinner for Frances who had been working hard on an assignment all day!! good ol' mince and tatties never goes wrong, yummy!
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