Onwards to the Buffalos!
Wednesday 11th October

Some GnTs in the garden after work ;)

Another wet morning in Springfield, and my last morning for a while. Was meant to be heading off today to my next WWOOFing job up towards Mount Hutt, a buffalo ranch called Wairiri Buffalo - I'll be here for he next three weeks - however Lucy, my host, called mid afternoon to say she was feeling quite unwell so we've called it off th move till tomorrow.
Anyway -before we knew this turn of events - in the morning after breakfast I packed up my new wheels (so much easier packing knowing I didn't have to carry it all!) and I followed Franny - who drove in her own car ahead of me - via the place I'd be staying, and onwards to Franny's school where she works. I then continued to Methven to do some exploring for a bit. (killing time till after lunch when I'd made plans to meet franny at the school again and help her move stuff.) It was pouring rain though so not very pleasant. I had a wee cup of tea and a scone, then wandered round town for a bit while the rain was stopped, I tried to find the art gallery but failed to and the rain started again to I just jumped back into the car and headed back to see Franny for lunch, by which time Lucy had called her to let her know the change of plans. I helped her with some stuff in her classroom, rearranging some artworks that the kids had made.
Oh well, it worked out better me staying another night anyway as I got to make them both a proper leaving meal, I made a lasagne and it was deeeelicious (if I may say so myself!) Frances even popped a bottle of bubbles ;) hehe we sat in the sun for a bit and watched Miss Congeniality on Netflix when it got dark. Probably one of my favourite ways to spend an evening ( lasagne, prosecco and Miss Congeniality!) and being with this lovely pair!
Some GnTs in the garden after work ;)
(Thursday 12th October)
I did move over to the buffalo farm today! Yippeee!!! But although I'm excited to be starting the new WWOOFing job I'm a little sad to be leaving F&G, as it's been so nice being with them this past two weeks! Anyway they are only 30 mins away so another visit is probably in the cards!
In the morning we had the flounder that Graeme caught in Holitika with some toast and eggs, delicious! And then Frances and I booked one of the first accommodations that myself and my family will stay in when they come over for Christmas (yippeee!!!)
I then made my way back towards Methven and managed to find my way perfectly (I was sure I was going to take a wrong turn somewhere!) It was a lovely day for a drive and I enjoyed takinin the scenery in the sun!
The hosts house is lovely, and I'm staying in a wee converted room above the cheese making room in the dairy shed building. The place itself is lovely too.

Some views in the kitchen.
For dinner Lucy and her friend Kirsten had made the most amazing buffalo stew; with quince and home grown vegetables, fresh bread from the market with their own buffalo ricotta cheese! It was a fabulous introduction into the products they make!
Early evening Cristo took the buffalo inside for milking and I got to meet them. Some of them are pretty docile, like this lady below who you can actually sit on, but most of hem are wary of me as a stranger.
I was surprisingly knackered after doing very little today but with glad to be here. I headed to bed early and although the weird sounds of the dairy shed below work me a couple of times, I slept like a log!
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