Overnight trip to Hokitika

When it was raining when we woke up today, again, F&G took a decision to go back over to the west coast to escape the rain. Apparently it's usually either wet one one side or the other (something to do with the high high mountains , meaning that whatever way the bad weather is traveling from, the weather won't affect the other side. (Apologies for the totally un-technical description there!!!😅😅)
Anyway we headed back over Arthur's Pass and down the west coast a little to the town of Hokitika. Look how different this Pass looks today now that all the rain has gone and the clouds have lifted!
We arrived just after 11 and so had a late breakfast/brunch. And YUM I had thee best sausage roll, sounds silly but seriously it was delicious! It had fried onions and a little potato through it and it wasn't stodgy! Yum!
After a wee jaunt around the shops we decided to make the most of the sunshine and we took a drive up to Hokitika Gorge, where we jeal led the short path out through the native bush and over this fantastic river!!
In the evening, we took advantage of the still dry weather and took a lovely walk along to Sunset Point before dinner. We - surprise surprise - watched the sunset before heading to find a place to eat.
Since I'd been treated so well sinceeeting with with F&G I try and treat them to dinner every other day, either making it so they don't have to, buying the ingredients, or just eating out! Tonight I took them out for pizza and beer!! Fat Pipis pizzas was NOT a disappointment! We shared a large half and half pizza with seafood on one side and pumpkin and feta on the other. Pure bliss!
Unfortunately another rain front caught up with us this morning but that didn't stop Graeme going out White Bait fishing, or myself and Frances to go out looking round the shops. I wanted to find myself a piece of NZ jade but with SO many to choose from here it made a decision impossible! I'll keep looking! Frances and I had some breakfast as Graeme had already eaten, I think we over did it though, but it was totally worth it!!
Unfortunately another rain front caught up with us this morning but that didn't stop Graeme going out White Bait fishing, or myself and Frances to go out looking round the shops. I wanted to find myself a piece of NZ jade but with SO many to choose from here it made a decision impossible! I'll keep looking! Frances and I had some breakfast as Graeme had already eaten, I think we over did it though, but it was totally worth it!!
I then re-joined Graeme fishing while Franny went to get some food shopping. And when she came back we headed back over Arthur's Pass.
It had started to clear up by the time we were back in Springfield (mid afternoon) and abot an hour later it was glorious sunshine, so of course we took full advantage and did a bunch of things outside!! Frances cut the lawns (there are many of them) Graeme started to clean out the new camper van, and I hoovered my new car! We then sat in the sun briefly till the big black clouds rolled in, and we had a quick thunder storm before dinner.
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