Wairiri Buffalo Farm - Days 27 & 28
Tuesday 7th Nov

Came back about mid morning to the farm and the weather was still quite cold and a bit windy. Did my usual chores. And decided to do a big tidy up of my backpack. I also started editing this blog post right after and that opened up an inner dialog and refelction of a couple of aspects of my trip so far, now that I’ve been away for just about three months.
One of the weirdest things about the trip so far is the feeling of ‘where is home?’ I mean I’ve felt ‘at home’ and relaxed and very happy in almost all the places I’ve visited so far. The island feeling in he Coromandel, the warmth and generosity of the family in Clevedon, visiting F&G in Springfield feels like ‘going home’ too, but in all of these places I’ve never unpacked my bags beyond the stuff-sacks...apart from moving them from one sack to another for laundry purposes. I’ve had everything out to air often enough, but it’s still weird that everything I need fits into five little bags and that I’ve not put it away into wardrobes or drawers or anything - mostly due to the fact that there were none available but those facts are coincidental. I’ve had my own room everywhere I’ve stayed, but even that hasn’t felt like mine - cause it’s not really- and although I feel confortable in these spaces, they aren’t ‘home’.
The whole process of packing and unpacking. I’m beginning to be quite a pro at this and have it down to a fine art of time efficiency and comfort practicality. Having not stayed anywhere for more then a week or so at a time, sometimes moving from hostel to hostel in a few days, sometimes you don’t actually unpacking the whole bag, and just work from a small sack of essentials packed near the top. It is an odd feeling, the feeling of being transient, being able to live minimally and pack up everything and go in a few minutes. This is part of what made me think about what ‘home’ means. If you never unpack our suitcase can you actually feel at home? So is home a feeling of belonging, or is it where you lay your head, or can it have multiple meanings and definitions? I have a slightly better idea of that now that I’ve stayed in the same place for almost a month now... but I’ll keep you posted on that idea.
On the less philosophical note of packing... I now know that I’ve taken too much with me!!!
Unnecessary amounts of tops, shoes and bras...not enough pants or socks, and I definitely underestimated how cold it was going to be so maybe I should have brought another cozy hoodie with me. I also think that I maybe the balance of formal/Farm wear is a bit off...took too many options for ‘nice’ clothes and not enough things that I didn’t mind getting ripped or covered in shit, or lost, or drooled on/chewed/slept on by animals! Haha. Overall, other than packing too much, I think I packed ok, but it’s definitely a learning experience for my next trips, and I know I’ll definitely be packing lighter from now on (and not underestimating how many pair of socks/pants I need! Haha)
Anyway the rest of the day was mostly the same, dinner, followed by a movie and an early bead to read my book. It may not souls like it in my slightly monotonous posts, but I’m really enjoying being busy at the farm, feeling like I’m making a difference even in the smallest way is good, and knowing the place well enough that I can find work to do without having to ask Lucy or Christo all the time for what to do next. And like I said before, having a regular routine to follow is also really great, especially for my sleep pattern.
Wednesday 8th Nov
Lucy is still unwell so she spent most of the day in bed, and I helped out by doing some extra housework. I cleaned the kitchen and living spaces and tidied up in the garden and tunnel house a bit.
Anther of the big jobs on my list was a bit of DIY work on the mezzanine level in the dairy shed. I had to put silicon in all the joins in the flooring, and once it dries I’ll be painting it. I cannot believe that it’s come to the last week of my working here already! How time flies when you’re having fun!
Fed the calves, cleaned the dairy shit from the shed. Why’re so cute and I’m going to miss them!
The afternoon was a bit quieter; Chloe and I re potted some seedling herbs/plants cleaned the oven, we watched some cartoons and ate dinner.
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