Wairiri Buffalo Farm - Days 22, 23, 24, 25 & 26
Thursday 2nd nov

In the afternoon I helped make lasagne, I prepared all the veggies while Lucy made handmade pasta. Being part Italian she had a section of marble work top in ththe kitchen especially for that reason, haha very cool! And the lasagne was delicious!!

Cleaned the shed as I do everyday, then I helped Jackie clean out and sterilise a fridge from the cheese room. I’ve enjoyed having a routine this past wee while, I can’t believe I’ve already been at Wairiri Buffalo Farm for three weeks!
It was a really hot day again so in an attempt to stay in the shade, but still make the most of the time here and ticking off another of my tasks, I decided to muck out and tidied the stable/garage.
Mowed the lawns again, which was a lot easier than last time since it was already shorter. It still took me a couple of hours but I got it all done before I picked up Chloe from school.
After dinner once it got a bit cooler I watered the tunnel house, which has some greens growing in it, and the berry plants. And as per my usual routine I went down and fed the calves their stretch water, so cute; they recognise the sound of my car now and run towards the gate when they hear my car coming. Ruby has also taken to coming with me in the car ... even though it’s just a five minute walk away.
Friday 3rd Nov
Had a quieter day today thank goodness, I think I over-did it a bit yesterday!
After breakfast I clean the milk buckets. They try and recycle as much as they can here, for eco/environmental conscience reasons, and partially because they have to pay for all the waste they take to the dump as they’re too far out of town for it to be colected. This means that there is very little household waste and e same applies for their cheese business. All wholesale price lists have a bunch of reusable/recycling options for the milk/yogurt/cheeses. And the commercial retailing encourages customers to return their used containers to be recycled and sometimes that means that they get a slight discount on their purchase. It’s an organic farm, and uses all natural fertilisers (compost and buffalo&horse manure) and organic animal care. It’s great to see a small business able to work with such a green ethos.
Saturday 4th Nov

Chloe and I went to the Riccarton Market, a different market than we’ve been attending recently. This one was very nice under trees and near a lovely old building. There was also live music and it was nice to see a chance of scenery and have new stalls to explore. I’m also getting a lot more comfortable talking about the products and able to sell them a lot better. The whole days just flies by when you’re at the market from 8am till 1pm, and we went to the ice rink after and had a lovely car ride home singing to cheesy pop songs on the radio. Chloe and I watched the Trollz Lorie before and after dinner and it was straight to sleep at bed time as I was totally pooped!!
Sunday 5th
As usual Sunday morning was rushed as I hurried to have breakfast and clean the dairy shed before heading over to Frances’. Graeme was up working in Murchison this weekend and Frances had a load of school work to do so I just chilled, caught up on my blog, did my washing and read my book. The weather was pretty mental these last two days; it went from being 20+ degrees celcius on Saturday, to that evening being really windy, blowing gusts of up to 100mph on Saturday evening. Sunday was still blowing a hoolie but as soon as the rain started the wind dropped and temperature had started dropping too; from midday on Sunday till about 6pm it had dropped a whole 7 degrees! We put the fire on and snuggled in for an early night watching a movie then the Bee Gees Grammy Tribute!
Again, sorry, but I’ve stopped taking as many photos...not seen anything new recently and just enjoying not loving through a lens for a wee while. More pics soon when I upload to a computer.
Monday 6th
Frances usually has to leave for work about 7:30 as the school she’s a principal of us about 45 mind drive away in a village called Windwhistle (isn’t that a lovely name!) but today was athletics day so she didn’t have to leave till 11! Anyway, I got to lie in!! My first proper lie in since I came to NZ! I slept till 9:30 (and I considered that a lie in?! Who am I?!) I had a nice slow morning eating eggs on toast with my coffee and chatted a bit to Frances till she had to leave.
I then made a cake with the ricotta that Lucy sent over, a ricotta and berry cake, and it wa YUM!!
I had some errands I had to run and some messages I had to get from the supermarket so I pooped into Darfield as that’s the closest place with a decent supermarket. I treated myself to lunch out at the Darfielf Bakery and headed back to Springfield to change for Yoga class. I’m loving the yoga class now too, I can already feel the difference in my shoulders and flexibility, and a general ease in tension in my back and shoulders. Thanks Geraldine!! They are taking about having garden yoga sessions in the summer so I hope I get to attend a couple as that sounds like pure bliss!!
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