Fox back down to Haast

A little bit further along the road I stopped at a great roadside food-van! Reminded me of the one at Horagabost at home in Harris. It was still too early for lunch and I had enough food inn my cooler that o didn’t need to buy anymore food but I stopped for an iced coffee anyway as it was just nice to miss.
Took Ruth to her bus for 8:30 then just packed up the tent and headed up to hike up to the Fox Glacier. It was still early but already getting hot and already BUSY with other tourists.
I didn’t stay there longer than To take a few photos as there were too many people so I jumped in the car and headed along the road towards Haast Pass. I walked out to Munro beach where penguins nest, but I didn’t see any as it was the mid morning and they’d be out fishing at that time. It was still a nice walk and not many other folk ventured all the way out to the beach so i had it mostly to myself.
A little bit further along the road I stopped at a great roadside food-van! Reminded me of the one at Horagabost at home in Harris. It was still too early for lunch and I had enough food inn my cooler that o didn’t need to buy anymore food but I stopped for an iced coffee anyway as it was just nice to miss.
I stopped for lunch and a wee stretch at a lovely wee campsite closer to Haast Pass and enjoyed my wee picnic in the sun...till the sandflies chased me away.
There was a short five minute walk out th the Roaring Billy Falls which I stopped at; I try and stop every 45mins to an hour just to stretch my legs and rest my eyes. Plus who would wanna miss even the smallest scenic view along this journey if they could avoid it!?!
I stopped quickly in Haast Pass to pop into the info centre and pay my Campsite fees, and I arrived to the Pleasant Flat camping ground about 6:30. It was stunning, but oh MY were the sand flies bad?!? The campsite must have been in a dip, and we were next to a river surrounded by trees, so there were literally swarms of them!! I tried to make conversation with an American guy, James, who was pitching his hamock in a neighbouring tree, whist we were both making and eating dinner. I game him one of my beers and we managed a nice brisk wee walk around the campground and chatted for about 30mins but eventually those damn flies got too much and sent him into his car and me into my tent for an early bed!
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