Rotorua - Day 1

(Tuesday 26th September
I'm now making making my way south to meet up with my parents friends (and mine) In the South Island, but as I did in Tauranga, I'm taking a chance to stop a bit and explore the stopover towns a bit as I go. I arrived in Rotorua this morning about 11am, I'm staying in a hostel here tonight and then tomorrow night I take an overnight bus down to Wellington where I'll stay for a few days. 

I've been to Rotorua before with my family when we visited New Zealand when I was a kid. I don't really remember much about it but as I was walking through town odsy there were bits that felt familiar (mind you it has been 15 years since I was here so I'm sure there have been some changes!) 

The first thing I did was take a walk through one of the local parks, potholes with thermal springs and mud pools. It absolutely sticks of sulphur, not all the time probably because it's still quick cold weather, but oh my Amanda and Aunty Joan, you would NOT like it hahaha! It was pretty cool though. (Most of the photos were taken on my camera so unable to upload at the moment, but there are some cool videos on my Instagram if you follow me!) 

The rain started about 1pm so I headed to the supermarket to buy some food, and headed back to the hostel where I snuggled into my bed at the hostel and caught up with my blog! Oops! 😅

The rain didn't stop all afternoon so I just decided to stay in and watch a movie on my iPad after making myself some dinner in the hostel kitchen, and chatted with some other travelers intermittently while also reading my book, and we stuck one of  the avenger films on the Tv. 

Tomorrow will be more productive! 


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