USA - Day 15
New Jersey to New York
Today rained...a lot but us Scottish folk are fighters so we didnt let that put a stop to our plans for the day. We took the ferry over to Manhatann where we got a bus to Downtown New York. We were outside walking a few blocks and by the time we got to the 9/11 Ground zero Memorial we might have well just jumped into the sea because we were soaked to the skin already! The memorial was really impressive but also quite an odd feeling, it was hard for the mind to process that we were standing where the Twin towers once stood. But it was very impressive, with all the names engraved in gold around the edge of the two towers. It was worth while seeing.
Then we headed off down to South street seaport mall where we had lunch and use the 'facilities' because by that point, basically we all needed to pee. After we had lunch we went out onto the dock to see the Brooklyn Bridge and did a bit of window shopping around the mall. We found a Jelly Bean sweet shop in the mall and of course, we just had to go in buy some. Then we walked up Wall street and did a bit of a stroll around some of the streets of New York until we unanimously decided that we had done enough walking for one day and hailed a Yellow cab to the ferry terminal.

We got home about 6ish where we just relaxed and did our own thing until dinner then we all sat in the living room enjoying the company and whilst M.A.S.H played on the t.v low in the background. Soon after that I headed to bed as tiredness seemed to have hit me like a wall tonight so it's kinda early bed tonight again. Vacationing is hard work.
Anyway, cya soon,
Catriona x
Then we headed off down to South street seaport mall where we had lunch and use the 'facilities' because by that point, basically we all needed to pee. After we had lunch we went out onto the dock to see the Brooklyn Bridge and did a bit of window shopping around the mall. We found a Jelly Bean sweet shop in the mall and of course, we just had to go in buy some. Then we walked up Wall street and did a bit of a stroll around some of the streets of New York until we unanimously decided that we had done enough walking for one day and hailed a Yellow cab to the ferry terminal.
We got home about 6ish where we just relaxed and did our own thing until dinner then we all sat in the living room enjoying the company and whilst M.A.S.H played on the t.v low in the background. Soon after that I headed to bed as tiredness seemed to have hit me like a wall tonight so it's kinda early bed tonight again. Vacationing is hard work.
Anyway, cya soon,
Catriona x
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