NASHVILLE - Nikki's Bachelorette Weekend.
This week was all about my pal Nikki, cause SHES GETTING MARRIED!!
Her Bachelorette party (hen-doo) was in Nashville, Tennesse somewhere ve wanted to visit for a very long time!!! I've also been eagerly awaiting an opportunity to visit Nikki again, its been five years since I was out in the states last to visit her. This weekend I got to meet all the other bridesmaids and some other pals of hers, all of whom I now consider to be good pals of my own, so thanks for that Nikki :)
I flew
Day 2 - Yoga, peddle-tavern, and bar crawl!
The first night we just stayed in our lovely wee air-bnb and drank mimosas and bloody marys...and got to know each other with a good game of 'have I ever?'. The next morning some of us were not so fresh for our mid-morning yoga class, the first of a series of scheduled events for this weekend.
The class was fantastic and we all had a great laugh and sweated our hangovers out too! (some more than others haha)
Peddel Tavern & BAR CRAWL!!
After heading home and some of us showering, some of us topping up our blood-prosecco levels, we headed back out to the Peddel-tavern; exactly what it sounds like, a wee tavern powered by peddle power (yay more exercise...). It was a lot of fun though, we'd peddle for a bit while drinking beer and getting a tour of the sights of downtown Nashville, whilst listening to Country music. It was pretty sweet! These girls are a lot of fun, so there was a lot of laughter and a lot of drinking, nothing too excessive though (aka no one had to be carried home!!) :D

Day 3: Brunch, and many bottles of champagne...then AXY throwing!
Needless to say, Sunday was another rough morning for some, luckily we had a quiet morning planned and headed out to a slow brunch. The groom to be had kindly offered to buy us all the champagne for this mornings brunch so THANK YOU MR KRETZMAN! <3
After brunch, we all piled back into our wee minivan and headed to BATL the axe throwing bar...yes that's a thing, and yes it was very safe! we all had a wee go, then we had a wee fun tournament, which got quite competitive, and
A night out and LINE DANCING!!
After our axe throwing, we all went back to the house and most of us took naps and resteded up for a wild country night out. we had a line dancing lesson and then did a bar crawl through the honky-tonks of downtown Nashville!... These photos make it look wilder than it was... (pics courtesy of Kate Kosis) :)

The day we left - tattoos, piercings... and souvenir shopping.
It was a really lovely weekend and the perfect way to get to know Nikki's closest pals before the wedding. Before we headed off back up to Philidelphia that afternoon we all headed to the tattoo shop, Greer got a tattoo, and some of the other girls (myself included) got piercings... and then we all traipsed around the souvenir shops to see if there was anything we fancied taking home. :)
A very lovely weekend!
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